My first Iyengar Yoga Class in english

Meet Anneke from Adeline Studio, California! On the very first months of my journey to Yoga, I found out that English language is one of the keys to extensive, multi-cultural tuition. Since Yoga Masters from the 60’s exported their ancestral practice to the West, they had to learn speaking english, and they did… what about you?

Following Anneke’s free Iyengar class today, I was attending my first Yoga class in english language… Thank you Adeline Yoga Studio for taking us to your Shala today! If you already read my posts about practising Yoga Online, or Praticising Yoga during Quarantine, you know my point of view regarding online tuition.

Anneke hosted about 30 students through Zoom, on this week-end of september 2020, as Yoga studios in California were locked down -as far as I understand. My challenge was all about self-assessment: will I be able to remotely understand and process Yoga postures and adjustments from Anneke, that I sometimes barely achieve in my native language, with my usual Yoga Teacher?

I was very glad to find out that I got almost every single instruction, provided that Asanas names are given by Anneke in Sanskrit, which proved every useful in understanding the class, as I already knew sanskrit names of the asanas, as taught by my « physical » yoga teacher in France.

EDIT 2020/09/30 – the event replay is available online, on AdelineYoga YouTube channel. It’s now your turn!

Namaste Anneke 🙏

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